I cannot believe that another week
is gone. I am already halfway done with this transfer because it is only
4 weeks long... Where does the time go?!
This week was a little slow, nothing crazy amazing happened, but last
P-Day we went to the zoo! It is nothing compared to the Seneca Park Zoo,
but it was nice to do something different. Attached are some pictures
of some parrots (because this is Brasil :)), a picture with me next to
the sign at the entrance of the zoo with a member who decided to jump in
the picture too and a picture of my ´family´ the mission. From right to
left it is, S. Moraes, my grandma, S. Martin, my mom, S. Soares, my
aunt, S. Barratt, my sister, me and a different S. Araújo (not my
companion) who is my cousin. It will be the last (and only) picture we
have together because S. Moraes goes home this transfer.
This week we had 3 investigators come to church
again which was amazing. One thing that I had the priviedge to see this
week is what how trials in the lives of 2 of my investigators brought
about such a change of heart in them. I think back to when I met them
just a few short weeks ago and to hear my talk and hear their desires
now is so amazing. I am so grateful that they had this trial in their
life, but to see them now, their have different focuses and they are
such different people. That has been one the many blessings that I have
recieved here on the mission, being able to watch the Lord work in the
lives of people and watch people change. I am so grateful for that!
Nothing else amazing happened this week, Sister
Araújo and I taught people, walked, ate almoço with members and taught
and walked... :)
I hope that you are all doing
well! Oh, one other picture I attached is of me and my companion by a
sign that translates roughly to `Place where I feel sad and miss (fill
in the blank with qualquer coias you miss, family, home, your jeans that
you want to wear). I don´t really know how you describe saudade...
maybe google translate? Or you just have to know Português :)
Well anyway, that was my week! I hope that you all have a fabulous week as we welcome in Maio! Where did that come from?!
know this church is true with all of my heart and I am so grateful to
have the gospel and all of the knowledge is brings in my life.
I love and miss you all!
Com amor,